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Shine On

Shine On

A few months ago, I passed the five-year mark of my retirement. For me, someone almost addicted to self-improvement, anniversaries are typically a time to look back on how I’ve been doing,

Retire? Whatever Do You Mean!

Retire? Whatever Do You Mean!

Can this be The Great Indignation? It seems everybody’s not doing it — retirement, that is. Last weekend, an article profiling the Grateful Dead’s Bob Weir, now with a new band among

Becoming Retired

Becoming Retired

My successor was ready; I’d cleared my office, surrendered my laptop, and made my farewells. Toting a shopping bag filled with my office shoe collection and an assortment of farewell flowers, I

Deciding to Retire

Deciding to Retire

The small stack of books decorating the corner of my desk tells my story: The Psychology of Retirement, What color is your retirement?, Blue Horses poems, Life is in the Transitions, and my