My Favorite "Retirement" Books (updated for 2023)

While there are many resources readily available to help plan the financial side of retirement, I’ve searched for help to navigate the equally essential non-financial side. Although I’m sure there are many other great books out there, I thought I’d share some favorites I’ve found:

1. Retirement: Heaven or Hell: 9 Principles for Designing Your Ideal Post-Career Lifestyle by Mike Drak with Susan Williams and Rob Morrison

One man's experience of living in "retirement hell" and sharing his learning about finding his way to a happy post-career life. I particularly enjoy hearing stories from the trenches, and Mike Drak is genuine and relatable.

2. The Savvy Part-Time Professional by Lynn Berger, MA, EdM

This book, written by career counselor and coach Lynn Berger, who worked with me when retirement was only a distant glimmer in my mind, is filled with advice and instructions for considering part-time work options. It also made me believe there were viable alternatives to my long-held career. Thank you, Lynn!

3. How to Retire Happy, Wild and Free by Ernie J. Zelinski

This was the first book I read after I decided to retire. It’s light and upbeat, helping you look forward to the opportunities ahead. (For example, the section “Not Writing a Book Can Be More Difficult than Writing One” was one of my favorites.) Entertaining cartoons too.

4. Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes (2nd Edition) by William Bridges

The quintessential guide to understanding transitions. Of course, we’ve all experienced changes and the shifts they bring, yet, for some reason, retirement wasn’t a time I imagined would be one of significant “transition.” I found that having an understanding of the transition process was particularly helpful in handling unexpected changes in retirement.

5. The Psychology of Retirement: Coping with the Transition from Work by Derek Milne

Drawing on psychology to help you understand retirement’s realities with constructive suggestions targeted at finding meaning and happiness.

6. Rethinking Retirement: A Guide for Making Choices by Mary Morency and Jeannette Lalonde

This was one of the best coaching books I’ve read, written by two coaches who view retirement in a modern light for the generation now doing it. In proper coaching form, it guides you with valuable insights and helpful exercises to choose actions right for you (rather than provide the answers). This book is useful to anyone looking for a blueprint and program for planning their retirement life.

7. Don’t Retire, Rewire! (3rd Edition) by Jeri Sedlar and Rick Miners

What I particularly liked about this book, which is a guide to finding “fulfilling work” in retirement, was the exercise to identify your “drivers,” with an Appendix of 85 drivers to review – from the need to have accomplishments to being in control to being considered successful, to name only three. This was an eye-opening exercise for me that helped me understand more about what I was looking for.

8. The Power of Purpose (3rd Edition) by Richard J. Leider

Richard Leider helps you understand that the elusive search for “purpose” isn’t something to be found. Instead, unlocking “purpose” unfolds and changes.

9. The New Retirement; the Ultimate Guide to The Rest of Your Life (Third Edition) by Jan Cullinane

A comprehensive “encyclopedia” of ideas and resources on the multitude of topics that arise in retirement.

10. Longevity Lifestyle by Design by Mike Drak & Friends

A retirement lifestyle how-to-guide that uses six core longevity principles as the building blocks of a satisfying retirement lifestyle – e.g., relationships and community, health, financial security, spirituality, attitude, and having a purpose. Especially helpful is that the book is available for free download at Booming Encore's website ( along with a companion worksheet to help you reflect on your own plan.

Happy reading!

© Judith Nadratowski 2023

Photo by Laura Kapfer / Unsplash